Eat Beautifully Method: Cheese & Dishes
The foundation for every grazing board is the cheese and little dishes, bowls, jars, and ramekins filled with delicious dips, olives, jams, jellies, and more! Here are some nice examples of my first layer that goes down on my boards.


E a t B e a u t i f u l l y
M e t h o d
Cheese & Dishes
Fruit & Veggies
Yummy Goodness
Garnish & Take a Pic
Cut and prepare your cheeses before adding them to your platters, boards & tables. Depending on the firmness of the cheese, I tend to go with slices, cubes, chunks, and/or leaving my softer cheeses whole.
Cheddars can be sliced, cubed, or even crumbled if they have a nice dryness to them. Softer cheeses will likely need to be sliced with a cheese wire or place them on your board whole and guests can use a cheese spreader to serve themselves.

If you really want to get serious about making beautiful boards either for yourself or to start your own charcuterie business, I am here to help you get started! Check out my updated eBook How to Make a Grazing Board (of any size or shape) only $5 HERE. Plus find tons of articles and grazing board recipes here @